In Purple Cow: Transform Your Business By Being Remarkable, Seth Godin explains that a Purple Cow is a product, service or company that is remarkable, exceptional, worth talking about and noticing. It’s something new or very interesting. For now. You see, many products and services start out as Purple Cows.
Godin contends that the traditional marketing concept no longer works with consumers. Paradoxically, marketers have created their own problems. Back when consumerism was young and many products were new, marketers merely advertised a product and consumers purchased it. Pour more money into advertising and receive more sales. It was a pretty simple formula.
But consumers are too busy to pay attention to advertising. And, worse, yet, they have everything they need! So how does a marketer gain the attention of consumers?
By being remarkable. But it’s a little more complicated than that. Targeting consumers no longer works because marketing messages are largely ignored. And creating a product to market to the masses, according to Godin, is a waste of time and money. Those products for the masses are already taken.
Godin suggests creating a product or service that serves a niche. That way, consumers who are in need of the niche product or service can find you. But that product or service must be remarkable. Very good won’t cut it anymore. Products and services that are very good are normal.
Once you’ve created a remarkable niche product or service, market it to consumers who are most likely to be listening. According to Godin, it is useless to advertise to anyone except those actually interested in your product or service.
Purple Cow is a required read for anyone in business. Godin’s insight into why marketing no longer works and how to reach consumers in an age of marketing overload and consumer apathy are spot on. Read this book if you want to gain marketing advantage over your competitors.
Agency Growth Starts with Existing Clients
3 days ago
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