Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Take Time Off

One of the best things you can do for yourself and your company is to not show up for work! That’s right. Take some time away from the office. I do that on a regular basis and find that I work better when I get back.

Actually I even work better before I leave! Probably because I want to get things done so I can enjoy my time away.

Sometimes I’ll take just an afternoon off. Sometimes a day. I don’t take a week off that often although I could but I find that a three or four day weekend can do wonders for me.

Getting away helps me re-charge so I’m excited about the work when I return. It forces me to do or think about something other than work. It amazes me when my mind is working on a problem and I just stop thinking about it so much, a solution comes pretty quickly. I can do that easier when I’m away from the office.

And I become a more interesting person because I’ve done something other than work. Then when I run into an acquaintance and they ask “So, what have you been up to?” I can respond with more than “Oh, you know, just working.”

Today I’m taking a day off to play golf out of the area with a friend. And I know that when I return tomorrow I’ll be rested and re-charged.

Whether it’s a few hours or an entire week, taking some time away rests the mind and opens it up to other possibilities.

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