Here is one marketing idea that won’t cost you anything! Ask for referrals.
Of course, you should always ask for referrals, regardless of whether the economy is up or down. But in case you haven’t, now is a great time to start. Why? Because customers who come to you through a referral are often already sold and ready to use your company. That makes it all the easier to close the sale!
It is important to create a formal referral generating system. Create a system and assign someone to complete the steps. And then follow up to be sure it is being done.
One of the most important things you can do is to acknowledge the referral from your customer. Immediately send a hand-written thank you card, signed by you. Your customer needs to know that you acknowledge and appreciate his or her efforts.
Once the job is complete, you have a perfect opportunity to ask your customer for referrals. Don’t be shy. If you’ve done a great job, your customer will be happy to send people your way. Be sure to mention referrals in your customer newsletters and subsequent mailings.
Referrals can be a simple and cost-effective way to add more leads.
Agency Growth Starts with Existing Clients
2 days ago