Thursday, April 22, 2010
Help Your Clients With Earth-Friendly Remodeling Projects

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
My lean mean hairdresser
As we chatted yesterday, she told me that one of her biggest problems since she doesn’t have an assistant is the scheduling of appointments. She tried to schedule the next appointment before a customer left but, inevitably, someone needed to re-schedule or didn’t know their schedule and would call back. That led to playing phone tag. The process was frustrating and inefficient.
Using an on-line appointment scheduling service allows her to delegate that task and put it squarely in the hands of her customer. The service even syncs with the customer’s Outlook or Google calendar and sends the customer an automatic appointment reminder e-mail.
In this “new economy,” businesses must find new ways to become leaner yet more efficient at the same time. That may seem like an oxymoron but it is not. There are many tasks we do that can be handed off and not always to another person in our own organization. Many on-line services have cropped up that can handle anything from setting appointments to reminding us of birthdays and anniversaries.
Look at the processes in your own organization, especially the ones that take up the most time and are the most inefficient. Now, get on-line and start researching. Talk to other service providers to see how they handle these same issues. I bet there are other people out there who have conquered the same things that are driving you crazy.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Keep In Touch
Yes! You may need to meet to finalize some of the allowances. Or maybe you send out some follow-up materials. Call or e-mail with a status of the material order (you’re expecting the cabinets in next week, etc.)
Customers don’t want to think you’ve forgotten about them. Give them a little love periodically and keep them happy.
Friday, March 5, 2010
"Cash for Caulkers" could bring more jobs to the industry
The program will use rebates direct to consumers to help with the purchase of energy-saving investments for the home such as insulation, duct sealing, water heaters, HVAC units, windows, roofing and doors. Under the Silver Star Rebate, consumers can choose a combination of upgrades for rebates up to $3000 per home. The Gold Star Rebate program would be for homeowners interested in a whole home energy audit and retrofits that would achieve a 20% energy savings. The program will call for using products primarily made in the US and will require installation by certified contractors. Field audits by independent quality assurance providers would ensure that the installation was done properly.
The administration says that the program will create “tens of thousands of jobs,” save consumers between $200 and $500 each year in energy costs, and reduce energy use equivalent to three coal-fired power plants each year.
It’s estimated that the program would cost about $6 billion and would see participation by about 3 million households.
Of course, the details are still being worked out and Congress has not signed the bill into law although a similar proposal has been included in the Senate Democrats’ Jobs Agenda.
For more information, see the White House’s press release about the program.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
An Overview of the Lead Paint Regulations for Contractors and Remodelers
Monday, March 1, 2010
Countdown to the New Lead Paint Rules
If you have not yet begun the process of complying with this new law, you need to start asap. In the post What to do today to comply with the Lead Based Paint Program, I listed two things that must be done immediately: submit the EPA’s Renovator firm application and sign up for a lead safe work practices training class.
Equally important is to create your new operating procedures for dealing with the law. How will you comply? What steps will you take when a new lead calls in to determine if that home falls under the law? At what point in your process will you give the required pamphlet to the homeowner? Who will be responsible for that step and how will you document it? This new law will require a change to your current procedures. Be sure you know what you will do, who will do it and how. And write it down!
And remember, even if the home is built after 1977, you will still have to document that fact in your files. Yep, it’s more work. You need to look at your pricing, too. How will you bill the extra work required by the new law?
You’ve got a lot to do between now and April 22nd. Don’t wait. Write your new procedures now and put them into practice so you can work out any kinks.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Federal agencies issue guidelines on toxic drywall - Home Channel News
Federal agencies issue guidelines on toxic drywall - Home Channel News:
"Federal agencies issue guidelines on toxic drywall (Jan. 29)
Two federal agencies, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, have issued a joint set of guidelines to help homeowners and contractors identify so-called “toxic” drywall in homes. The process takes into account visual signs of metal corrosion, evidence of drywall installation in the relevant time period, and the identification of other corroborating evidence."
Read on for more . . .
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
EPA's Lead Paint Rule May Affect Government's Retrofit Programs
Energy Efficiency Retrofitting Threatened By Lead Paint Rule
Federal weatherization and energy efficiency retrofit programs being developed by Congress and the White House are likely to come to a crashing halt on April 22, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Lead Paint: Renovation, Repair and Painting rule goes into effect.
Read on for more . . .
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Home Remodeling Surges in Fourth Quarter - 2/16/2010 10:52:00 AM - Professional Remodeler
"Home Remodeling Surges in Fourth Quarter
2010 to mark significant rebound in remodeling industry as foreclosure markets lead remodeling resurgence
News Release
February 16, 2010
GOLDEN, Colo. February 16, 2010 – In a recently released report, ServiceMagic.com found that during the fourth quarter of 2009, homeowners actually increased their number of home remodeling service requests by more than 37 percent over the same period in 2008. Furthermore, the report showed tremendous spikes in home improvement activity in the states with the highest foreclosure rates."
Read on . . .
Now that's good news!
Monday, February 15, 2010
5 Ways to Maintain a Work/Life Balance - 1/1/2010 - Professional Remodeler
5 Ways to Maintain a Work/Life Balance - 1/1/2010 - Professional Remodeler:
"5 Ways to Maintain a Work/Life Balance
Leaving the office can make you a more effective remodeling executive
By Erin Erickson, Contributing Editor
January 1, 2010
Professional Remodeler
If you're reading this article between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. in your office or break room and are uninterrupted while doing so, then congratulations — you're ahead of the pack of most remodeling executives.
With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' recent report that there were at least 27,000 construction jobs cut in the month of November, it's easy to feel the pinch of an ever-growing workload."
Read on . . .
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Home Survey Reveals Top Consumer Priorities for 2010 - 1/25/2010 10:52:00 AM - Professional Remodeler
The survey found top priorities to include price, energy-efficiency, organization and comfort
News Release
January 25, 2010
Las Vegas, Nev., Jan. 20, 2010 — Better Homes and Gardens revealed proprietary research and insights on what consumers are looking for in their next home and overall priorities guiding current and future home improvement projects." Read on . . .
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Hiring the Right People for Your Construction Business
Written by George Hedley
Steps to Take to Hire the Right People for Your Construction Business:
1. Make a list of all of your company positions.
Read on . . .
Hiring the Right People for Your Construction Business
From: ConstructionBusinessOwner.com
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
How to Build a Better Want Ad
How to Build a Better Want Ad
Written by George Hedley
Follow these four steps:
1. Create an attention grabber.
Use themes like 'run your own job,' 'ready to move up?' or 'full charge.'
2. Be straight and honest.
Tell them exactly what you want like 'dirty, hours, hard work, etc.'
3. Include the human factor.
Use words like 'fun,' 'energetic company,' 'flexible' or 'great staff.'
4. Have a call to action.
Use incentives like 'Call today from 9 to 4 and leave a brief message to explain your interest in the job' or 'Apply at _____ M to F from 2 to 7' or 'E-mail or fax resume to ___.'"
From: ConstructionBusinessOwner.com
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
What to do today to comply with the Lead Based Paint Program
Two steps you must take right now to get ready for the EPA’s Lead Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Printing Program going into effect on April 22, 2010.
#1: Apply now to become a certified renovation firm. Fill out the EPA’s Renovator Firm application and submit it along with the fee (most likely $300) today. The EPA is very slow in processing these applications and you must have this certification back by April 22nd. Go to http://www.epa.gov/lead/pubs/firmapp.pdf for the form.
#2: Sign up for a lead safe work practices training class. Find classes in your area by searching the list of trainers or the list of classes and click on “Lead” under All Training Categories. Neither of these will give you an exact list of classes in your area but it’s a start.
Then go to the EPA’s website to find out more. It’s all there. Don’t wait! Start this process now.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Home Star: 5 answers about 'Cash for Caulkers' - 1/1/2010 - Professional Remodeler
The low down on the program that's meant to boost energy efficiency and jobs
Jonathan Sweet, Editor in Chief
January 1, 2010
Professional Remodeler
The Home Star program — or 'Cash for Caulkers' as some have dubbed it — could provide a big boost to home energy efficiency through billions in tax credits and other incentives over two years" Read on . . .
The program sounds good on it's face, especially since the construction sector has been hit so hard by unemployment. But, remember that it will be paid for by cap and trade, which has not passed.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
NARI Taking Lead on Fighting Unfair Healthcare Provision
In case you missed it, the U.S. Senate hates you."
The news broke while I was on vacation, so I never addressed it here in the blog, b...
From The Sweet Spot Remodeling Blog
Friday, January 29, 2010
2010 Remodeler of the Year Case Design/Remodeling Grabs Opportunities - 1/1/2010 - Professional Remodeler
Case Design/Remodeling uses the downturn as a chance to improve the company
By Jonathan Sweet, Editor in Chief
January 1, 2010
Professional Remodeler
Most remodelers will never forget 2009. Good remodelers closed their doors across the country and previously sound market leaders found themselves in serious trouble as the market drastically changed. Those who have survived are facing financial challenges, smaller projects and wary clients." Read on . . .
Congratulations to Case Design/Remodeling!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Economic Recovery in the Construction Industry
Some startling statistics about unemployment in the construction sector:
According to Kermit Baker, Chief Economist with the American Institute of Architects, the construction and architectural sectors have been the hardest hit as far as job losses go. Together, these sectors lost 7 million jobs. An even scarier statistic: 23% of construction jobs have been lost and 17% of architecture jobs have been lost.
And Ken Simonson, Chief Economist with AGC of America, put it into perspective. The national unemployment rate stands at about 10.5%. However, the unemployment rate in the construction industry is 22.7%. This is depression level unemployment!
Another scary statistic: Only 4.5% of all jobs are in the construction sector but yet 22% of all job losses have been in construction.
Clearly, the construction industry has been hit hard by this recession. Hopefully, part of the President’s new job initiatives will speak to this devastation in our industry.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Replacement Contractor Executive Conference Is Coming Up
Are You Ready for the EPA's New Lead Paint Rules?
The EPA passed a law in 1976 called the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) to control substances determined to cause unreasonable public health or environmental risks. After determining that exposure to lead can cause health risks and impacts the environment, an amendment was added in 1999 to reduce lead contamination.
Fast forward to 2008 when the EPA passed changes to the TSCA that require contractors to be trained and certified in the use of lead safe work practices and to use lead safe work practices on any job involving lead paint. These changes go into effect in 2010 – April 22nd to be exact, which also happens to be Earth Day.
Lead safe work practices would require the remodeler to minimize dust, prepare and clean the work area, and contain lead dust. Since lead paint was banned in the US in 1977, these lead safe work practices only apply to homes built before 1978.
Also, you will be required to provide your customer with a pamphlet entitled “Renovate Right” before any work begins plus you will be required to get a signed acknowledgement from your customer that you did so and keep that acknowledgement in your files for a period of time as defined by the EPA.
You must employ a “Certified Renovator” who manages the jobs on any homes built before 1978 and is responsible for seeing that those on the job practice Lead Safe Work Practices.
And what if you don’t follow the EPA’s new rules and you get caught? Oh, a little fine of $37,500 PER DAY! Yep, that’s per day. There are a couple of exceptions which I’ll discuss in a later post, but for the most part homes built before 1978 will be subject to these new rules.
Want to know more? Visit the EPA’s website and I’ll be posting more information shortly.