The economy is getting tough for all of us, even the e-mail scammers. So beware! E-mail scams to remodeling and home improvement companies are quite prevalent. You may be surprised about that. Most are looking for companies that accept credit cards. That is where the scam comes in.
Here are two recent e-mail scams that I personally received. These e-mails are real and I have not corrected any of the typos, grammar or spelling.
Good Day,We would like to inquire if you have in stock or can help us get 80 watt or 130 watt solar panel and Xantrex Charge Controller 30 to 60 amps andGrundfos submersible water pump (model #:10sq07-200 or 10sq07-240). Please advise your unitpricing as we would be buying upto 15 or 20 units of this material from you for our upcoming project.And also let us know the credit card type you welcome for payment.Thanks for your anticipated business relationship and cooperation.John Enterprise4525 W 9TH AVEKENNEWICKWA 99336REGARDSJOHN ROBINSON
Or how about:
Hello Mr Prince Waren is my name and i would like to place some orders in your and i would like to know if you do have cabinets in your shop or wood products.and i would like to know their price ranges and also the types of payment you accept so that i can advice quantity and the product am interested in so that we can proceed on this order Thanks and waiting to hear from you as soon as possible Best RegardsPrince Waren
Notice that both have poor grammar, spelling and punctuation. While the first asks for information on credit cards accepted the second only asks for types of payment. These are just two of many I have received over the past year. Some include a sense of urgency. Some request contact by e-mail only. All are scams!
How does the scam work? It’s a credit card scam. Either the person will use a stolen credit card or cancel the credit card payment once the shipment has been made, normally overseas.
Don’t fall for it. Delete these messages immediately. They are not legitimate and are not worth your time and effort.