Do you listen to the economic forecasters?
You shouldn’t.
Why, you might ask?
Because all those talking heads you see on tv and the articles on-line and in the newspapers discussing recession, inflation, and the housing market crisis are generalizing the economy for the entire country.
The truth is that the economy is not the same in all areas of the country. This is an awful big nation! And you will find differing economies in different regions.
An even bigger truth is that within each region and even within each county and city you will find some areas where homes are selling well and people have jobs and money. There will be other areas where things are not so good.
The geographic area that our remodeling company serves also happens to have the highest foreclosure rate of any other county in the state. If I bought into the doom and gloom, I’d probably just close up shop for the next several years and wait it out.
But I don’t buy it! At the beginning of the year we set our company goals high. And, guess what? We are right on track.
How do you keep all of those negative commentaries out of your head? It’s simple. Turn them off! Turn off the talking heads and the daily economic gloom.
Instead listen to something positive. Buy some tapes on selling strategies or marketing. Listen to a motivational speaker. Anything but the negativism.
Because the only economic forecast that really matters is the one that you create in your own head.
Agency Growth Starts with Existing Clients
2 days ago